A INFINITY DESIGN LAUNCHES ITS APP TAKING GRAPHICS DESIGNING TO THE NEXT LEVEL These days, everything is so fast paced that everyone is almost always on the go. Because of this, people always have this need to have everything at their fingertips. And what better way to have everything you need with you at all times than to have it all in one gadget (i.e. an android smartphone). With this in mind, application developers all over the world come up with various tools that can help people—professionals and hobbyists alike—create designs or edit images while they are on the go. But if you are only starting, you might find yourself overwhelmed with all the options you can find on the Google Play Store. everybody nowadays uploads photos on social apps like Whatsapp, Facebook & Instagram where they need a nice related caption/quote to get attention from the customers. This app helps them easily find the best images with quotes for their social media posts. A ...