HOW IBEX SHOP IS GENERATING MORE EMPLOYMENT OPTIONS ESPECIALLY FOR MIGRANT & DISPLACED WORKERS. ABOUT IBEX SHOP :: A CAFE CONVERTED INTO A SUPERMARKET SO AS TO RETAIN ITS EXISTING WORKFORCE AND GENERATE MORE EMPLOYMENT OPTIONS ESPECIALLY FOR MIGRANT & DISPLACED WORKERS. Located in Indore Madhya Pradesh, India. Ibex Shop (A Unit of Ibex Fashions Pvt. Ltd). A unique combination of a Super Market (Ibex Shop – Shopping Redefined https://ibexshop.in/ ), A Coffee Shop (Mr Charlie Chaplin’s Cafe, http://mrcharliechaplinscafe.com/ ) and Bakery (Ibex Bakery) all under one roof. The coronavirus pandemic is changing the way we shop, with grocery shoppers suddenly realising the convenience of shopping online and getting supplies in the comfort of their home. This is set to benefit the direct-to-consumer (D2C) services in the long term. Selling directly to consumers also gives brands better control over their supply chain and cuts down o...